www.studiozerovetro.it website with its services and contents (hereinafter the “Site”) is made available to users and / or customers (hereinafter the “Users” or the “User”) for promotion and sale of Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ consumer goods and the provision of related services.
The Site is managed by: Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ #e-mail #fiscal Code 01471120491
Access, consultation, registration and any use of the Site and its contents and services, as well as the purchase of the products offered therein (hereinafter the “Use” or “Use”), are activities governed by these general conditions of use and general conditions of sale (hereinafter “General Conditions of Use”).
Use of the Site presupposes knowledge of these General Conditions of Use and general conditions of sale and implies their unconditional and full acceptance.
1.1 The use of the Site is authorized exclusively for personal purposes strictly related to the Purposes and not attributable, even only in part, to any professional, entrepreneurial, artisanal and / or commercial activity.
1.2 The use of the Site is allowed only to persons of legal age.
1.3 In using the Site, the User undertakes not to:
a) communicate information and / or data that are false, incorrect and / or relating to third parties, without the latter having given their consent and / or making an incorrect use of the same;
b) upload, communicate and / or transmit materials, contents, links, files and anything else that:
I. are obscene, intimidating, offensive, harmful, violent, fraudulent, confidential or illegal;
II. constitute spam, pyramid or chain communications or any other form of advertising or commercial or promotional communication not authorized in writing by the Operator;
III. are technically dangerous or harmful, such as for example computer viruses, malware , codes and other tools that can damage the information systems of the Manager and third parties;
c) interfere, interrupt, damage, violate and / or tamper with the Site and its normal functioning;
d) violate the rights of third parties, the General Conditions of Use and sale present on the Site and / or any provision of the legal system in force, such as, by way of example, the Law of 22 April 1941 n. 633 on copyright and the Legislative Decree 30 June 2003, n. 196, on the protection of personal data.
1.4 The right of the Operator to interrupt, suspend and / or revoke, also by reason of discretionary evaluations and without any obligation to give reasons, the use of the Site is reserved at any time. The User acknowledges and accepts that the Operator will in no case be held responsible for any interruptions, suspensions and / or revocations of the use of the Site.
2.1 Any right to the contents present or made available on the Site or related to it, such as, in mere graphics, layout, source codes, software, design, the technical solutions adopted and the structure created for the Site, databases (hereinafter the “Contents”), is owned by Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and its owners who have direct and / or indirect commercial relations with Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and is protected by current national and international laws on the protection of intellectual and / or industrial property rights and / or on databases.
2.2 With the exception of the temporary reproduction of the Contents for activities without economic significance and strictly related to the Purposes, it is forbidden to modify, reproduce, publish, transfer, disseminate and / or otherwise use, in any form and manner, the Contents without express consent. in writing by the Manager.
2.3 In any case, it is understood that the use of the Site by the User does not entail the purchase by the latter of any rights to the Contents.
2.4 The User may not carry out operations that are in contrast with the normal management of the Operator’s database and of the related owners who have direct and / or indirect commercial relations with the Operator or which cause them an unjustified prejudice.
2.5 Within the limits of the provisions of current national and international legislation to protect intellectual and industrial property rights and / or databases, it is forbidden to systematically extract and / or use the Contents of the Site, including through data mining , robots. and other data acquisition and extraction systems, as well as creating and / or disseminating data collections that reproduce in whole or in part the Contents of the Site and the services provided, without the express written consent of the Manager.
3.1 The trademarks, the domain name and all the other distinctive signs contained and / or related to the Site are the exclusive property of Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ or their respective owners who have commercial relations directly and / or indirectly with the Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™
3.2 It is forbidden to use these distinctive signs in any form and manner without having previously obtained the written consent of Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ or their respective owners.
3.3 It is in any case forbidden to use the name of Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and of subjects that have commercial relations directly and / or indirectly with Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ , as well as of the distinctive signs in their ownership, such as, for example, domain names and trademarks, for through metadata (such as, for example, meta-tags and keyword-tags ), without the written consent of the Manager or their respective owners.
4.1 The Site may present hypertext links or ” links ” to other websites which may have no connection with the Site.
4.2 These links are indicated by the Manager exclusively to facilitate the Users’ navigation on the web and the connection to other websites.
4.3 The indication of a link does not imply any kind of suggestion, sponsorship and / or recommendation by Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ for the use of the linked websites, nor any kind of guarantee regarding the related contents, services and / or goods to be these offered and / or sold.
4.4 Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ does not in any way control the websites connected by links, nor the information, materials and products contained therein, and, therefore, the User acknowledges and acknowledges that Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ cannot be held responsible for the actions, services, products, contents and policies of these websites, also in relation to the processing of personal data and the conditions of sale.
4.5 It is therefore suggested to carefully read the conditions of use and conditions of sale, the privacy policy and the cookies policy and any other legal notice present on websites other than the Site.
5.1 It is possible to activate hypertext links to the Site, subject to prior written authorization from Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ . To this end, it is advisable to contact Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ at the following e-mail address info@studiozerovetro.it
Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ has, at any time, the right to oppose the activation of direct links to the Site, also in consideration of the previous adoption by the applicant of unfair or non-compliant commercial practices or practices of unfair or discrediting competition. towards Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ .
5.2 It is forbidden to activate deep hypertext links (such as, by way of example and not limited to, deep links or deep frames ) to the Site, without the written consent of Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ .
5.3 The User undertakes to provide correct and complete data when registering the personal account and to promptly notify Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ of any changes to the data provided.
5.4 The User who is in possession of a personal account on the Site undertakes to keep the access credentials confidential and to monitor the regular operation of the account, giving immediate communication of the use or attempted use of his account by part of unauthorized third parties.
5.5The User agrees to be considered the one and only responsible for all actions taken through his / her account, as well as for any harmful consequences or prejudices that may arise against Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ , or third parties, to following the use of the personal account in violation of the General Conditions of Use, the other legal notices contained on the Site and / or the applicable regulations in force, as well as the loss and theft of access credentials.
5.6 It is without prejudice, at any time, the right of Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ to suspend, modify or cancel the personal account of each User in case of violation of the General Conditions of Use and conditions of sale, of the other legal notices contained on the Site, of the legal provisions of the current system or also by reason of discretionary evaluations of Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and without the obligation to give any motivation. The User acknowledges and accepts that Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ will not, under any circumstances, be held responsible for any suspensions, changes and / or cancellations of their personal account.
6.1 Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ provides the Site in the factual and legal state in which it is found without any kind of guarantee, expressed or implied, for the User.
6.2 Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ does not guarantee the regular functioning of the Site and those related to it, even indirectly. Within the limits permitted by law, Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ will not be liable for any type of damage resulting from the use of the Site and the sites of third parties, even indirectly connected to it, such as, by way of example, damage to computer systems, damage from loss of data or business opportunity, damage from interruption of economic activity or resulting from any errors, delays, omissions, inaccuracies of the Site.
6.3 The User acknowledges and accepts that Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ cannot be held in breach of its obligations nor liable for any damage caused by the failure or incorrect operation of the hardware and software components of the User and / or third parties, telephone connections and / or telematics not managed directly by Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ , as well as by the actions of other Users and / or third parties.
6.4 The User is the one and only responsible for the Use of the Site. Within the limits permitted by law, Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ cannot be attributed any responsibility for the Use of the Site by the User that is contrary to the rules of the legal system in force, to the legal notes contained on the Site and / or detrimental to the rights of third parties. Within the limits of the provisions of the applicable legislation in force, the User undertakes to indemnify and hold Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ harmless from any charge and damage, including legal fees, which may be caused by their Use of the Site in violation of the rules of the legal system. current legislation, the legal notes contained on the Site and / or detrimental to the rights of third parties.
7.1 In relation to the processing of Users’ personal data and anonymous browsing data, please refer to the Privacy Policy and the cookie policy.
7.2 For the use of specific services provided at the request of the User, specific information will be provided and, where necessary, specific consents will be requested for the processing of their personal data.
8.1 Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ has taken every precaution to prevent content from being published on the Site that describes or represents scenes or situations of physical or psychological violence or such that, according to the sensitivity of the Users, can be considered harmful to civil convictions, human rights and dignity of people, in all its forms and expressions. In any case Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ does not guarantee that the contents of the Site are appropriate or lawful in other countries, outside of Italy. However, if such contents are deemed unlawful or illegal in some of these countries, access to the Site is not recommended and if the User decides to access it anyway, the use he will make of the services provided will be his sole and personal responsibility.
8.2 Without prejudice to the provisions of the legal notices of the Site and the rules of the legal system in force, Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ reserves the right to modify – at any time and without obligation of communication – any information, content and other elements of the Site.
8.3 The fact that Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ , and / or third parties that have even indirect commercial relations with it, delay or fail to exercise their right based on the General Conditions of Use and sales conditions, the other legal notices of the Site and the legislation of the legal system in force does not constitute a waiver to assert this right, in relation to acts carried out or which will be carried out in the future.
9.1 The natural person and / or legal person who has directly or indirectly (also by sending specific hashtags ) authorized the communication and / or publication or dissemination of their own contribution, of any form or nature and on any medium ( including, by way of example but not limited to: images, photographs, videos, sounds, music, texts, writings and works of any kind) by Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ (the “Grantor”), assigns to the same in a perpetual, irrevocable, – exclusive, free of charge and free from any royalty, any and all right of economic exploitation, including copyright and related rights relating to such contributions (hereinafter “Authorized Contributions”), with the right of sub-license. To this end, the Grantor expressly acknowledges Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ ‘s unquestionable right to use the Authorized Contributions, to decide when to use them or to remove them, since Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and its successors in title are the only subjects entitled and competent for this purpose, without limits of time. These rights are granted for the whole world and for each use and economic exploitation. All Authorized Contributions will be considered non-confidential in nature. As a result, Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ will have the right to: use, copy, distribute, reproduce, transfer, exploit, modify, process, transform, keep in the database, make cuts, modifications and / or additions, insert or replace comments and / or disclose such contributions to third parties for any purpose and according to the advertising and / or commercial methods and choices that Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and / or its successors in title deem most appropriate (such as, by way of example and not limited to, by reproducing and publishing the contributions through social channels Facebook , Instagram , brochures , magazines, albums, collections, products, etc., also in the context of commercial initiatives). To this end, the Grantor also authorizes Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and its successors in title to combine / link, directly or indirectly, the Authorized Contributions to commercial and promotional initiatives, the image and the distinctive signs of Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and / or its successors in title (facts without prejudice to the moral rights of the Grantor).
9.2 The Grantor guarantees that it has the rights and legal capacity to adhere to these General Conditions of Use and conditions of sale in its jurisdiction and that the contribution is an original and exclusive work and that it:
It has not been derived from any work of third parties without their consent;
· Does not violate or may in any way violate copyrights, registered trademarks or other intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties;
Does not violate or may violate in any way the property or personal rights of third parties, having, among other things, any necessary authorization and / or consent from any third parties (or whoever exercises their authority) for any reason whatsoever involved in the contribution received specific to the foregoing;
· Does not violate any legal provision, including, by way of example only, the provisions of Law no. 633/1941 and subsequent amendments and additions, of the Legislative Decree 30/2005 – Industrial Property Code and subsequent amendments and additions, of the Legislative Decree 196/2003 – Privacy Code;
· Is not obscene, racist, discriminatory, nor in any other way contrary to public order or public morality in force;
undertaking to indemnify Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and its successors in title for any case in which one or more of said declarations and guarantees should prove to be concretely false or inaccurate.
Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and its successors in title will also have the right to communicate the identity of the Grantor to any third parties who claim that the Authorized Contributions constitute a violation of their intellectual property rights and / or their confidentiality.
9.3 Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and / or its successors in title, will not be held responsible in relation to the violation of the rights of the Grantor and / or third parties directly or indirectly deriving from the use, in any form and manner, of the Authorized Contributions, in any case, to contractual, extra-contractual liability (including, by way of example, for negligent behavior or violation of the law) with regard to: i) pecuniary damage (including, by way of example, any emerging damage, loss of revenues, profits current or anticipated, contracts, business, opportunities or anticipated savings); ii ) loss of reputation; iii ) consequential or indirect damages suffered by the Grantor or by third parties.
9.4 The Grantor agrees to be responsible towards Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and / or its successors in title, to indemnify and hold harmless the same from all costs, direct and indirect damages, expenses, losses, including any legal fees and procedural and in relation to any claim and / or request and / or action that may be advanced in any location by third parties, including public authorities, administrative and state bodies, due to any dispute arising from or in any way related to use of the contribution by Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ and / or its successors in title and the declarations and guarantees given by the Grantor with these General Conditions of Use.
10.1 These General Conditions of Use are governed by Italian law.
10.2 In the event of disputes arising from the General Conditions of Use and conditions of sale between the Operator and the User, the User can access the platform for resolution through the link https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr of online disputes provided by the European Commission.
11.1 The Manager may modify, in whole or in part, the General Conditions of Use and conditions of sale, also in consideration of any regulatory changes and / or its own commercial policies. The changes will be communicated to Users on this page of the Site and will be binding as soon as they are published on the Site.
11.2 The User will be subject to the provisions of the General Conditions of Use and conditions of sale from time to time in force at the time in which the User himself makes Use of the Site.
12.1 For assistance on the Products, more information, suggestions, complaints and / or further requests, the Customer can contact the Operator’s customer service at any time at the Contact form or at the following references:
– by e-mail: info@studiozerovetro.it
– by post: Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™
13.1 These general conditions of sale (hereinafter the “General Conditions of Sale”) govern the offer and sale of goods on this website www.studiozerovetro.it (hereinafter the “Site”).
The goods purchased on the Site (hereinafter the “Products”) are sold directly by Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ with registered office in #fiscal Code 01471120491.
In order to send a purchase order it is necessary to read and accept these General Conditions of Sale. Failure to accept the General Conditions of Sale makes it impossible to make purchases on the Site.
14.1 The General Conditions of Sale exclusively regulate the offer, forwarding and acceptance of purchase orders for the Products on the Site between the Seller and the users of the Site.
14.2 Through the Site, the Seller offers the Products for sale and carries out its e-commerce activity exclusively towards its end users who are over the age and “consumers”, i.e. natural persons acting for purposes not related to the activity commercial, entrepreneurial, craft or professional, possibly carried out (hereinafter the “Customer”).
14.3 The offer and sale of the Products refers exclusively to the countries indicated in the list of shipping countries on the relevant page of the Site which can be reached via the Homepage.
14.4 The Seller, therefore, reserves the right not to process orders from subjects other than the “consumer” and / or minors, from countries not included among those indicated in the shipping countries or, in any case, to orders that are not compliant with its commercial policy.
14.5 The General Conditions of Sale do not regulate the sale of goods or the provision of services by parties other than the Seller, even if they are present on the Site via links, banners or other forms of connection. It is the Customer’s responsibility to check the conditions of sale, before placing orders and purchasing goods and services from parties other than the Seller. The latter is therefore not responsible for the sale of goods and / or the provision of services by third parties and / or the conclusion of agreements between the Customer and third parties.
15.1 To purchase one or more Products on the Site, the Customer must select the Products he intends to purchase and add them to the shopping cart. Once the selection of the chosen Products has been completed, the Customer must continue with the complete order on the shopping cart web page, fill in the order form in electronic format, according to the relative instructions, and send it to the Seller.
15.2 The language available for the conclusion of the purchase order are those indicated on the homepage of the site.
15.3 The purchase order of the Products can be made by the Customer both through their personal account, if registered on the Site, and through the ” guest ” user mode, providing in this case the personal information required to proceed with the order fulfillment.
15.4 The order form contains a reference to the General Conditions of Sale, as well as a summary of the information on the main characteristics of each Product ordered and the relative price (including all applicable taxes or duties), the means of payment accepted and the delivery methods of the purchased Products, the shipping and delivery costs, the conditions for exercising the right of withdrawal and the methods and times for returning the purchased Products.
15.5 Before proceeding with the purchase of the Products by sending the order form, the Customer is required to carefully read the General Conditions of Sale which he can also print, store or copy for personal use. The Customer, by sending the order form, declares to have understood and approved the content of the form itself, as well as accepted the General Conditions of Sale and Use of the Site while, failing that, it will not be possible to proceed with the order. purchase.
15.6 Before sending the purchase order form, the Customer can check the details of the order, as well as identify and correct any data entry errors.
15.7 The forwarding of the order form by the Customer implies for the latter the obligation to pay the price indicated in the order.
15.8 Once the purchase order has been accepted, the Seller will send the Customer, by e-mail, a receipt of the purchase order, which will contain a summary of the General Conditions of Sale, the information relating to the essential characteristics of the Products and the ” detailed indication of the price (including all applicable taxes or duties), the means of payment, the conditions and methods of exercising the right of withdrawal and delivery costs.
15.9 The Seller reserves the right not to accept purchase orders that are incomplete or incorrect, that do not give sufficient guarantees of solvency or in the event of unavailability of the Products. In these cases, the Seller will promptly and in any case within 14 days from the day following the one in which the order was sent to the Seller, to inform the Customer by e-mail that the contract is not concluded and that the Seller has not carried out the purchase order. In the event that the Customer has already forwarded the order form and paid the price, the Seller will refund the amount paid.
15.10 The order form will be filed in the Seller’s database for the period of time necessary to process the orders and in any case in compliance with the terms of the law. The Customer, if registered on the Site, will be able to view the orders placed by accessing their personal account and consulting the appropriate section of the Site. The Customer who made the purchase as a ” guest ” user can check the orders placed by contacting Customer Service as indicated in paragraph 11 “Customer Service” below.
16.1 The essential characteristics of the products are presented on the Site within each Product page. However, the images and colors of the products offered for sale may not correspond to the real ones due to the Internet browser and / or monitor used.
16.2 Each product is sold on the Site together with its identification tag which is an integral part of the Product itself.
17.1 The prices of the Products indicated on the Site are expressed in euros (€) and do not include shipping and delivery costs which will be clearly indicated at the beginning of the Product purchase procedure.
17.2 The prices of the Products may be subject to variations. The Customer therefore undertakes to check the final sale price before sending the relative order form.
17.3 The payment methods can be found on the Payments page of the Site, as well as indicated in the single purchase order form, and form an integral part of the General Conditions of Sale.
17.4 The price for the purchase of the Products and the shipping costs, as indicated in the order form, will be charged at the time of shipment of the Products by the Seller.
17.5 In the event that payment by credit card is chosen, the financial information (for example, the credit / debit card number or its expiry date) will be forwarded, via encrypted protocol, to banks or companies that provide the related remote electronic payment services, without third parties having access to them in any way. Furthermore, this information will never be used by the Seller except to complete the procedures relating to the purchase for which they are given and to issue the relative refunds in the event of any returns of the Products, following the exercise of the right of withdrawal, or if it is necessary to prevent or report to the police the commission of fraud on the Site.
17.6 If the Product is delivered to a country belonging to the European Union, the Product sold should not be subject to any customs clearance costs, such as import taxes and / or duties.
On the other hand, in the case of delivery in a country outside the European Union, the Products sold may be subject to customs clearance costs, such as import taxes and / or duties, payable upon arrival of the Product at the country of delivery. The costs of customs clearance cannot be foreseen in advance by the Seller and are, in any case, entirely borne by the Customer.
For more information, the Customer can contact the customs office of the country of delivery of the Product.
18.1 The delivery of the Products ordered on the Site takes place by express courier. The costs, methods and terms of delivery of the Products are indicated on the “Shipping” page, as well as in the single purchase order form, and are an integral part of the General Conditions of Sale.
18.2 The delivery times of the Products indicated on the Site refer exclusively to working days, with the express exclusion of holidays.
18.3 The Customer must place the purchase order directly from the page of the Site relating to the shipping country in which the purchased Product will be delivered. The Site should be able to automatically recognize the country from which the Customer is connecting but it is possible to change the country of reference of the Site through the list of shipping countries on the relevant page of the Site.
Orders placed from a section of the Site relating to a country other than that of destination, or to an address not accepted by the courier appointed by the Seller (such as, for example, P.O.Boxes and Fermo Posta), will not be accepted. For Italy only, the Site is not authorized to ship to Livigno, Campione d’Italia, San Marino and Vatican City.
Exercise of the right of withdrawal
19.1 The Customer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded with the Seller, free of charge and without indicating the reasons, within 14 days from the day of acquisition of physical possession of the Products purchased on the Site.
19.2 To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Customer can communicate his decision to withdraw from the contract using the withdrawal form on the Site. To this end, the Customer must access the section of the Site relating to the orders placed, fill in the withdrawal form and send it electronically to the Seller.
19.3 Alternatively, the Customer can send written and explicit communication of the decision to withdraw to the Seller, providing his references (name, surname, address and e-mail), the order and receipt dates of the Products, the number of order and related Products purchased; to this end, the Customer can optionally use the non-mandatory standard withdrawal form referred to in Annex I of Legislative Decree 21 February 2014, n. 21. In the event that the Customer chooses this option, the notice of withdrawal must be sent to the Seller via
1. mail: Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ navel
2. e-mail info@studiozerovetro.it
19.4 In case of exercising the right of withdrawal, it is not possible to directly replace the chosen Product with another; in order to purchase a new Product, the Customer must place a new order distinct from the previous one.
19.5 The Customer is responsible for the decrease in the value of the Products resulting from the manipulation of the Products other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Products themselves.
19.6 The Seller reserves the right not to proceed with the withdrawal procedure if the Products are returned undamaged and complete with everything.
19.7 The right of withdrawal cannot also be exercised in the event that:
1. the Products have been made to measure or personalized;
2. the Products are likely to deteriorate or expire rapidly;
3. the sealed Products do not lend themselves to being returned for hygienic reasons or related to health protection and that have been opened after delivery;
4. the Products are, after delivery, inseparably mixed with other goods;
20.1 The Products subject to withdrawal must be returned to the Seller. To proceed with the return, the Customer must return the returned Products, within 14 days from the date on which the Customer sent the relevant withdrawal form to the Seller, to Ombelico Studiozero-vetro di Caterina Zucchi™ ..
20.2 The payment of the direct costs of returning the Products is charged to the Customer.
20.3 It is recommended, where possible, to return the Products inside the package sent by the Seller.
21.1 Upon receipt of the Products, the Seller shall make the necessary checks relating to their compliance with the conditions and terms indicated in this art. 6.
21.2 In the event that the checks are concluded positively, the Seller will send the Customer, via e-mail, the relative confirmation of acceptance of the Products thus returned and proceed with the reimbursement of the price of the returned products.
21.3 Whatever the payment method used by the Customer, the refund is activated by the Seller, after verifying the correct execution of the right of withdrawal, in the shortest possible time and in any case within 14 days from the date on which the Seller received the notice of withdrawal. The reimbursement may be suspended by the Seller until receipt of the Products or until the Customer demonstrates that he has returned the Products, whichever is earlier.
21.4 The Seller reimburses using the same payment method used by the Customer for the initial purchase, unless the latter has expressly agreed otherwise. If there is no correspondence between the recipient of the Products indicated in the order form and whoever made the payment of the sums due for their purchase, the reimbursement of the sums will be made by the Seller, unless otherwise agreed, to the person who made the payment.
21.5 If the methods and terms for exercising the right of withdrawal are not respected, as specified in this art. 6, the Customer will not be entitled to a refund of the sums already paid to the Seller; however, the Customer may, at his own expense, get back the Products in the state in which they were returned to the Seller.
22.1 In addition to the guarantee for defects in the goods sold, the Seller provides the legal guarantee of conformity on the Products in accordance with the provisions of Title III of Part IV of Legislative Decree 6 September 2005 n. 206 (so-called Consumer Code). This guarantee provides that the Seller is responsible for any lack of conformity on the products sold that occur within 2 years of delivery of the products.
To take advantage of the guarantee of conformity, the Customer, under penalty of forfeiture, must report to the Seller any defect in the Product purchased within 2 months of its discovery.
In the event of a lack of conformity reported within the established deadlines, the Customer can ask the Seller, at his choice, to repair the good or replace it, at no cost in both cases, unless the remedy requested is objectively impossible or excessively burdensome with respect to to the other. The Customer may also request, at his choice, an appropriate reduction in the price or the termination of the contract in cases where the repair and replacement are impossible or excessively expensive, the Seller has not repaired or replaced the goods within a reasonable time. term or the replacement or repair previously carried out have caused significant inconvenience to the Customer.
In order to take advantage of the guarantee of conformity, it is recommended to keep and show the purchase documents of the Product.
For more information on the legal guarantee of conformity for consumers, the Customer is invited to consult the Consumer Code.
23.1 In relation to the processing of the Customer’s personal data, please refer to the Privacy Policy and the cookie policy.
23.2 For the use of specific services provided at the request of the Customer, specific information will be provided and, where necessary, specific consents will be requested at the time of collection of personal data.
24.1 The General Conditions of Sale are governed by Italian law and in particular by the provisions of the legislative decree 6 September 2005 n. 206, containing the “Consumer Code”, with specific reference to the provisions on distance contracts and the legislative decree 9 April 2003 n. 70 on certain aspects concerning electronic commerce.
24.2 In the event of disputes between the Seller and each Customer, arising from the General Conditions of Sale, the Customer will be able to access the platform for online dispute resolution provided by the Commission through the link https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr European.
25.1 The General Conditions of Sale may be modified by the Seller at any time, also in consideration of any regulatory changes. The new General Conditions of Sale will be effective from the date of publication on the Site. Customers are therefore invited to regularly access the Site and consult, before making any purchase, the most updated version of the General Conditions of Sale.
25.2 The General Conditions of Sale applicable to each contract concluded by the Customer through the Site are those in force on the date the purchase order is sent.