Necklace Pendant Trio marino

Necklace Pendant Trio marino


Light, versatile pendant necklace inspired by the sea. The waves’ foam becomes the decoration of the blown glass elements.

Blown glass
80 gr
Murano Glass
Grey mouse tail cord, 1,5mm diameter
2 pvc rectangular sections 6 mm x 10mm x 2mm
transparent aquamarine, aquamarine mottled and dark orange
Length: 45,5 cm

TRIO MARINO is a lively pendant necklace made of Murano glass blown by mouth and hot-worked. It’s realised with a peculiar technique specific for creating sea waves striping. The transparent central bead constitutes the light spot in this creation. It’s completed adding a thin grey rat tail cord, two small rectangular PVC sections and a glass latch. Glass elements are not fixed one another so the cord’s length can be changed easily.

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