Necklace Testa fra le nuvole

Necklace Testa fra le nuvole


It makes fun of the one who’s wearing it and describes one’s temperament. It finds its essence in the curvy shapes and the sequence of white clouds suspended by a gray element representing that a change in the weather is always possible to occur.

Blown glass and sandblasting
Murano glass
Rat tail cord, 1,5mm diameter, grey color
White and grey transparent ( sandblasted )
Lenght: 60cm
Diameter elements: from 1cm to 4 cm

The “TESTA FRA LE NUVOLE” necklace is dedicated to all those distracted, daydreaming persons who find themselves outside the everyday reality as they had entirely other thoughts to think about. The monochromatic clouds sequence which is composed of Murano glass beads that are blown by mouth and hot-worked is suspended by a gray, sandblasted element representing that a change in the weather is always possible to occur. Ironic, elegant, made up of elements which show different volumes; it is realized with a rat tail cord and glass necklace latch.

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